Generally speaking, acupuncture practice is safe if it?s performed correctly by a well-trained acupuncturist. Unlike quite a few prescription drugs, it is non-toxic, and adverse reactions are minimal. This is may be one of the most important explanations why acupuncture is so common in the management of chronic pain in numerous nations around the world. As explained previously, acupuncture is comparable with morphine preparations in its performance in treating chronic pain, but without having the negative effects of morphine, for example dependency.
Even if the effect of acupuncture therapy is less potent than that of conventional therapies, acupuncture may still be worth considering due to the toxicity or adverse effects of classic therapies. For example, there are research of controlled clinical trials showing that acupuncture is successful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, although not as potent as corticosteroids. Because, unlike corticosteroids, acupuncture treatment, does not result in serious side-effects, it appears realistic to use acupuncture for treating this problem, despite the variation in overall performance.
To learn more about acupuncture treatment, please visit Britannia Acupuncture Clinic.
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