Saturday, May 19, 2012

Monster Bestiary

From Light to Shadow

A millennium ago, a terrible cataclysm sunk the world into the very depths of Hell. The surface left unlivable, life turned its head toward the one place left untouched by disaster?the floating continent of Manus Luna. . . .


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This is a section for suggesting the species of monster wildlife on Manus Luna. The beast that stalk the contents lands are deformed and tainted versions of animals of the old world. Their forms misshaped, and their minds maddened with rage. These creatures are very aggressive, and much more powerful then their ancestors. There are things that go bump in the night on the floating content, and it is your job to tell us what they are.
Code: Select all
[left][img]Picture here[/img][/left]
[b]Physical Description[/b] (what can you describe about it outside of the picture)
[b]General Demeanor[/b] (Are they territorial, aggressive, do they ignore unless provoked? etc.)
[b]Social style[/b] (Do they wander alone or in packs.)
[b]Diet [/b] (meat eater? vegetarian)
[b]Problems with Humans[/b]
[b]Defense/Hunting Mechanisms[/b] How do they fight off predators/hunt prey.
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