Sunday, July 1, 2012

Different perspectives on the Multiverse?

The Multiverse

Where legends collide, warriors rise and titans fall. This is the general in character world, where your creations can rise to fame driven only by your imagination - this is the persistent world in which all characters exist.


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This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?The Multiverse?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Earlier this evening, and as of the moment of writing this thread, On Friday evening,[sup]1[/sup] there was an extensive discussion in the out of character chat about the ways in which the Multiverse is managed or administrated, and various ideas for multiversal theories, canons, realities, alternate realities or dimensions, and acknowledgement (or lack thereof) of other players' characters, factions, or in-character events or backstories.

While the Multiverse is a single roleplay administrated at the moment, to my knowledge, solely by Rem?us, its constituency of roleplayers is quite large and consistently active throughout both the chat and forum-styled segments of our site's roleplay system. Furthermore, in my experience, game masters of many roleplays not only actively seek but consider the feedback of their players in regard to the management and direction of their roleplays, whether they not they adopt concrete suggestions in adapting gameplay. Thus, I've chosen to create this thread to facilitate further discussion and perhaps elicit further ideas or opinions from those who were not present during this discussion for whatever reasons. I'm also curious about what discussion I missed after nature and FailPowerCompany conspired to remove me from the site and internet in general.[sup]1[/sup]

Two major multiversal theories that were presented and debated, despite not usually being identified explicitly by the names that I've assigned below, included the following:

  • Quantum physics multiversal theory styled Multiverse (free for all)
    Under this theory, which is the predominant practice de facto in the Multiverse, an infinite number of canons, realities, or dimensions may exist simultaneously without regard to contradictions that rise from illogical or innately contradictory or paradoxical character or faction backstories, place locations, abilities, technological innovations, or elements of nature. Typically, such contradictions or illogicalities are explained in-character by suggesting that characters are from different universes, realities, or dimensions that co-exist despite what would otherwise make no logical sense. Events and developments that occur among individual characters or larger factions only affect or influence those whose players choose to acknowledge them; those who wish not to acknowledge specific events or developments are free to do so without consequence, and typically form an in-character explanation for why those events do not affect their character(s) or faction(s).
  • Roleplay or writing theory styled Multiverse (unified canon)
    Under this theory, which has been suggested by a number of seemingly disgruntled folks but which is at best practiced only in a limited sense and by mutual agreement among different small groups of players, there is one unified canon or reality in which all character or faction backstories, place locations, abilities, technological innovations, or elements of nature can co-exist by natural logic and without creating complex contradictions or paradoxes. Events and developments that occur among individual characters or larger factions influence the entire Multiverse and will automatically and naturally affect any characters or factions that would logically have reason to be affected by them, rather than only the characters or factions of players who choose to acknowledge them.

Both multiversal theories have merits, but there are criticisms of both as well. Criticisms of a quantum physics multiversal theory styled Multiverse note the lack of overarching guidelines or concrete rules, the unstructured playing environment, and the lack of cohesive player inter-collaboration. Criticisms of a roleplay or writing theory styled Multiverse note the potential restrictions on creative freedom, the forced interactions among players who might otherwise want nothing to do with each other, and the complex developments and collaboration required to produce and maintain a single unified canon.

For example, one participant in the discussion argued that as an advocate of the second theory, every player with characters from or living on Terra should have responded to the glassing of Terra by barney_fife's Aschen Confederation, which happened about one year ago in real-world time. In reality, a majority of players chose not to acknowledge the glassing, which was accepted by barney_fife, who operates under the first theory. Another participant in the discussion suggested that all of the "NRP" (nation roleplay, in which individual players take on the role of a larger de jure or de facto nation-state) should be severed from the Multiverse and placed in a separate roleplay. To some extent, there is a mechanism for that located at On the other hand, Rem?us has repeatedly emphasized that no distinction should be made between "NRP" and "non-NRP," an argument that has been advanced by those players most frequently associated with "NRP," who posit that the economic, social, political, diplomatic, and militaristic relationships among nation-states should serve to create an overarching economic, social, and political background in which roleplay among individual characters (usually but not always unaffiliated with a faction), the "bread and butter" so to speak of roleplay, occurs. In accordance with the second theory, this makes sense; however, with the first theory, there is very little room for an overarching background. Functionally, events and developments among the nation-states and factions that exist in the Multiverse affect only those who choose to accept them.

In regards to rules established for a roleplay, I've generally tried to keep fairly vague restrictions. The rules in my roleplays tend to be written along the lines of the following:

1.) Post within a reasonable amount of time. (This may vary depending on the group of roleplayers as well as the medium.)
2.) Notify us if you're going to be away or without internet access for an extended period of time. (This is a courtesy.)
3.) You may write whatever you wish, provided that you remain within the bounds of the genre. (For example, if the genre is realistic and modern, a vampire from the sixteenth century and a fleet admiral of a multi-planetary space empire are equally out of place and unacceptable, as are the use of mana or force fields. On the other hand, there is no in-character reason to use a cell phone or reference the internet if the genre is medieval fantasy.)
4.) No god-modding (forcing the consequences of your actions onto another character or directly controlling another character without the other player's permission), meta-gaming (using out-of-character knowledge in game when your character has no in-character reason for having that knowledge), or power-playing (using unreasonable, undefined, or intentionally disruptive levels of power without an in-character justification).

[sup]1[/sup] We had a massive lightning and thunder storm, with the lightning flickering at a near constant speed, and the power (including internet) went out. It was over thirty hours before our power was finally switched on again, so that means that I'm posting this thread much later than it was originally intended to be posted. (It was on the same level of intensity and frequency as this storm, though the lightning was a heckuva lot brighter than is discernible in this video.) Admittedly, not the most enjoyable and fun weekend I've ever had. Did I mention that the power, including air conditioning, went out during a weekend of record sweltering heat and humidity? Temperatures exceeded 100? Fahrenheit (close to or a bit higher than 40? Celsius for you non-American folks), with obscene amounts of humidity. Fun, fun. In any case, that's the reason for the strikeout in this thread.

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